i L♥VE it.
when you share everything only with me..
if i were to take anything from you without getting noticed, i would take all the loneliness in your heart . because I don't want a person like you to be hurt when you deserve the best in life
Tugas bikin eneg L
Aduhh .. badan udah pegel* semua, tugas masih belum selesai. Bsok ulangan umum.
Matilah ..
G ud capek banget nih gilaa ..
Huhuhuuu L
Blum lg abis ujian pasti d gembleng latian nari
Belum pula persiapan lomba desain ..
Hoaaahh ..
Hari ini k BHK mengunjungi teman-teman :D
Di SMP g ktmu :
- PJ
- Pak eus
- Pak Yusup
- Bu Rini
- Suster
- Pak mado (GWS YA PAK)
- Pak sigit
Di SMA g ktmu banyak temen* g :
- Livia
- Christina
- Indra
- Aldo
- Chella
- Shierly
- Patty
- Jeanet
- Fabian
- Kobe
- Bryan
Meskipun ud ktmu tp ttp aj kangen BHK L
Hiksss ..
Pingin blik k masa SMP L